Kathryn Charles welcomed the group, which featured several past Chairs of the party, and then handed the program over to Mandy Marxen for a very brief training session on the precincts of Wilkes County.
Why do we need precincts?
- Systemic Voter Repression is REAL
- Most people DO feel they should vote and they feel shame when they don’t
- There are many obstacles and processes that interfere with the process flow of voting.
- Precincts helping at the most local level can counteract all the above.
It was pointed out that in the past, precincts were often organized for short-term campaign work, just in the months leading up to an election. However, the current model is one that is "community-oriented" which lends itself to greater sustainability through multiple election cycles and builds a permanent infrastructure for building the Democratic Party.
Precinct leaders act as organizers who live in the precincts themselves and have a more personal connection with their neighborhood. This type of organizing provides a service to the neighborhood as a resource to combat all those obstacles to voting. It builds a localized community of informed citizens and voters.
The main duties of a precinct:
- Leadership of a precinct: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer
- Organize monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly meetings in your precinct
- Attend the monthly Wilkes Democratic Party Executive Council Meeting
- 3rd Sat 10am each month
- Delegates to vote at the County Convention - Sat. March 28th
- VARIES BY PRECINCT but a minimum of 2. (so technically, you need 5 people to be a formally organized precinct)
- Provide nominal sustaining funds to the NCDP to use for candidates state-wide. (Investment in VoteBuilder & infrastructure. Last year we got a refund)
- Write resolutions to present at the County Convention
- Be a resource within the community to get things done & get voters to the polls
There were two main precinct changes in Wilkes before this election: Jobs Cabin precinct was folded into the Mt. Pleasant precinct, with voting at the Champion Fire Department; and North Wilkesboro polling location was moved from the fire department to the Elks Lodge location on Cherry Street. This can lead to voter confusion, so it is up to the precinct leadership to try and get the voters educated and comfortable with these changes. They can do this through postcards, calling, meetings, flyers, posting people at the locations during the election day...and very likely all of the above.